Please note, as of March 2023 due to new AuctionsPlus Terms, all new and existing registered AuctionsPlus buyers are required to complete ‘New Terms Training and ID verification’ (takes approximately 20 minutes), a minimum of 24 hours prior to the commencement of ALC Brahmans Auction, before being able to bid on this auction.
Our ALC bull sale for 2025 will be held on property “Gundaroo” Nebo on Wednesday 2nd July. Inspections from 8am with a 10:30am start.
The sale will be conducted via Helmsman Auction onsite and interfaced with AuctionsPlus online simultaneous bidding. This means that all bulls will be on offer for the duration of the sale and the sale will end according to a timer countdown.
Please note, it would be helpful if all interested buyers (onsite & online) please register to bid by emailing louise@alcbrahmans.com.au prior to 1st July if possible.
Sale Bulls
This year’s sale will consist of over 100 bulls, many of which are either polled or scurred. They are well grown, in good condition and are ready for work. As usual, the bulls will be presented straight off grass (no grain or crop). All bulls will have four generations of female fertility data available as well as age of puberty and scrotal measurement. EBV’s for growth, scrotal size and days to calving are also presented. All bulls are Sire and Dam DNA verified, poll tested, semen and morphology tested.
Sale Format
On Wednesday 2nd July bulls will be sold under the Helmsman Auction system combined with an online bidding option through AuctionsPlus.
Bidding on sale day will commence simultaneously from 10:30am to 12 O’clock with no timer countdown. This gives buyers plenty of time to either walk through the pens of bulls or view video’s online, whilst analysing the data supplied, without pressure. Bids in multiples of the minimum bid amount of $1000 will be in place for the duration of the sale.
Lunch will be offered from 12 O’clock to 12:30pm. No bids will be accepted during this time.
From 12:30pm the sale will recommence in simultaneous bid format still, however a timer countdown will be in place. The clock will start at 2 minutes, then after some time will reduce to 1 minute then 30 seconds. If any bull is bid on during a specific countdown timeframe, the clock is then restarted for that countdown timeframe. If no bulls are bid on during any allocated countdown timeframe, then the sale is officially closed.
The sale is anticipated to conclude by 1:30pm. This format would therefore mean that all bulls lotted will be open for bidding until sale closure which is determined by the timer countdown system.
Bidding onsite “Gundaroo” Nebo on sale day
The bulls will be ready for inspection from 8am for a 10:30am start. Morning/afternoon tea and lunch will be provided on sale day. As already mentioned, all persons would have already ideally registered to bid. Further details on registering are below. On arrival, please go to the registry table to collect a catalogue, bidder cards and bidder number. Videos of each lot along with the catalogue will be available to view the week prior to the sale on the AuctionsPlus website for those who wish to do some homework prior to attending the sale. A printable version of the catalogue will also be available for download from both the AuctionsPlus website as well as the ALC Brahmans website the week prior to the sale. For bulk buyers, a maximum of 10 bids can be listed on the one bidder card and submitted however this is the maximum that will be accepted due to the logistics of up-dating both onsite as well as online bidder boards in a timely manner.
For more information on reading ALC bull catalogues click on link above.
For a list of accommodation nearby and directions to Gundaroo, please click on above link.
Absentee Bidding on sale day
If you can’t attend the sale and you don’t want to bid online, please contact Alf and Louise on (07) 4956 8385 so we can organise for someone to bid onsite on your behalf.
Bidding online through AuctionPlus on sale day
Please note, as of March 2023 due to new AuctionsPlus Terms, all new and existing registered AuctionsPlus buyers are required to complete ‘New Terms Training and ID verification’ (takes approximately 20 minutes), a minimum of 24 hours prior to the commencement of ALC Brahmans Auction, before being able to bid on this auction.
As stated above, videos of each lot along with the catalogue will be available to view the week prior to the sale on the AuctionsPlus website for those who wish to do some homework prior to sale day. A printable PDF catalogue will also be available for download from a link on both AuctionsPlus and ALC Brahmans websites the week prior to the sale. For more information on reading ALC bull catalogues click on link above. If you choose to bid online, you are required to register to bid with both ALC Brahmans as well as AuctionsPlus. Further details on registering are below.
On sale day you can either manually bid or you can set up Auto-Bidding whereby the computer places the bids for you up to the limit you enter in your parameters on each lot. These limit amounts can still be altered throughout the sale. You can also set up Auto-bidding on some lots then manually bid on other lots on sale day. Videos showing how to sign up, bid and how to set up auto-bidding can be found on the following links:
How to sign up or register as an AuctionsPlus user?
watch video showing how to manually bid on AuctionsPlus in a simultaneous sale bidding format
For any enquiries regarding bidding online, please contact the AuctionsPlus team on (02) 9262 4222.
Register to bid prior to 1st July 2025 for online and onsite bidders please
To save time on sale day, we ask that everyone planning on attending ALC Brahmans Bull Sale to please register to bid prior to 1st July if possible, via email to louise@alcbrahmans.com.au with the following details:
Your name, trading name, residential address, postal address, best landline contact number, mobile number. Also please tell us:
If you don’t already receive the ALC Brahmans Newsletter and you would like to.
If the bulls will be going to a tick free area and require dipping.
Your PIC# and if you would like Alf to organise transport of your bull/s to your area.
If you are a stud breeder and require bulls to be adult registered and transferred.
If you intend on bidding online, please also email Louise the above details however you will also need to register with AuctionsPlus by 1st July. To bid online, you will be required to set up an account, agree to the terms outlined on the AuctionsPlus website, do a quiz, and watch the demonstration videos on how to bid and navigate the website. Allow 1 hour for this process then you should receive confirmation within 48 hours that you are now an approved buyer. For help, please contact the AuctionsPlus team on (02) 9262 4222.
Limited/no internet access
If you do not have internet access, please feel free to contact Louise or Alf for more information, to discuss which bulls will best suit your requirements or a catalogue to be posted to you.
Stud Operators
Bulls are sold as herd bulls (un-registered) unless arranged otherwise prior to the auction commencing at 10:30am. If you are a stud enterprise, please mention this to Louise upon arrival on sale day and you will be given further information regarding possible adult or commercial registration and transfer of ownership of bulls.
Who to contact?
Any questions regarding the catalogued information or how the sale will be run on property/site should be directed to Alf or Louise Collins – ALC Brahmans. Louise Collins (07) 4956 8385 or Alf Collins 0438 356 050. However, if your question is regarding bidding online, in this instance, please contact the AuctionsPlus team on (02) 9262 4222.